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Your one-stop shop for London's best live music and grassroots events

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Later this year

Headliner: Eleonora

Eleonora’s debut headline show: indie-folk with a playful touch of soul, powered by her strong vocals!

Global: Rave Through The Decades

"Throwbacks, but not as you know it"

House Party

Missed out on the last house party? Don't miss the next one, get your tickets now!
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Previous Events



Our new series that places the power of the future of music in the hands of the audience

We won’t let the TikTok algorithm decide an artist's fate

We live in a world where the success of musicians is all too often determined by factors that are outside of their immediate control: whether it’s an artist who is attempting to beat the Tik Tok algorithm and go viral, or whether it’s an artist’s background that dictates the amount of money they can put towards production and promotion of their music. This series levels the playing field, more closely aligning pure talent with success within the music industry.

Our Event Series

We love putting on a variety of events for our community. Here are some of our recurring series of events.

Farrago: Unheard

Our new series that places the power of the future of music in the hands of the audience.

We live in a world where the success of musicians is all too often determined by factors that are outside of their immediate control: whether it’s an artist who is attempting to beat the Tik Tok algorithm and go viral, or whether it’s an artist’s background that dictates the amount of money they can put towards production and promotion of their music. This series levels the playing field, more closely aligning pure talent with success within the music industry.


Musicians apply via the Artist Portal.


Farrago chooses the best applications.


Artists showcase their talent at a Farrago: Unheard event


After the event, the audiences votes for their favourite artists.


Winners are granted a package to kickstart their career.

Farrago: Focus

Introducing Farrago: Focus – A dynamic series of events that delves deep into music's diverse facets.

Each instalment shines a spotlight on a specific genre or musical dimension, featuring emerging talents. Expect an immersive journey through the heart of sound, with future themes spanning rap, jazz, spoken word, and more.

Farrago Festival

Our summer festival is the culmination of a year's worth of artistic exploration. An unforgettable annual summer extravaganza!

This immersive experience features interactive workshops, captivating installations, and, most importantly, the year's Unheard series champions—artists selected by our dedicated audience.

Our festival serves as a vibrant narrative of London's underground culture, spotlighting creative communities paving the way for the next generation of artists. With over 10 live music acts representing a kaleidoscope of genres, the event promises a farrago of musical discovery.

Join us on a journey celebrating the boundless power of creativity in the heart of the city.

Amplify Your Music

Amplify Your Music is a first-of-its-kind music conference targeting independent musicians. We are bring together many of our relevant partners, each who are doing special things in the industry, for an unmissable evening of networking, knowledge sharing & live music.

At our conference, independent artists receive the necessary tools to succeed in the music industry through talks and panel discussions by industry-leading professionals, covering topics such as music marketing and publishing & sync, to gain invaluable advice for taking your music career to the next level.

At Amplify Your Music, youre gonna meet and learn from successful artists, and get the chance to connect with like-minded individuals and fellow musicians who are on the same journey as yourself!

Amplify Your Music is the perfect opportunity for independent artists to connect with industry professionals, learn new skills, and grow their music careers.

Farrago: Unheard

Our new series that places the power of the future of music in the hands of the audience.

We live in a world where the success of musicians is all too often determined by factors that are outside of their immediate control: whether it’s an artist who is attempting to beat the Tik Tok algorithm and go viral, or whether it’s an artist’s background that dictates the amount of money they can put towards production and promotion of their music. This series levels the playing field, more closely aligning pure talent with success within the music industry.


Musicians apply via the Artist Portal.


Farrago chooses the best applications.


Artists showcase their talent at a Farrago: Unheard event


After the event, the audiences votes for their favourite artists.


Winners are granted a package to kickstart their career.

Unheard S1E2 Winner


Naia captured the most support through their mesmerising performance, which involved an abundance of groovy beats that kept the audience dancing, including a jazz battle.

As the winner of the second episode of this new series, Naia is entitled to the following rewards:

  • Complimentary access to all Farrago events throughout 2023
  • The opportunity to be selected as the first participant for Nifty Music Academy’s course
  • Spotify credits from Cammo Network, which will feature their music on various playlists
  • An invitation to perform at our grand summer event, which will be attended by over 500 people.

Congratulations, Naia!

Unheard S1E1 Winner

Matt Kent

Although it was close, Matt just about received the most votes with his incredible performance filled with angelic riffs and his mesmerising violin alongside his partner in crime, Olivia Lester.

For winning the first episode in this new series, Matt Kent will receive:

  • Free access to all Farrago events in 2023
  • A music marketing workshop to help increase his exposure
  • Spotify credit to be featured on multiple playlists
  • A performance at our big summer event with more than 500 attendees

Congrats Matt Kent! Thanks for a breathtaking start to the series.